Today is a pretty amazing day for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
In a shift that few saw coming and took place quickly over a summer weekend, what was arguably one of the most restrictive places that one could actually own a handgun on the planet, our Nation’s Capitol, has become a virtually unregulated area for the defensive carry of firearms under the force of a powerful court ruling and swift capitulation from the city’s law enforcement agencies. Apparently, both open and concealed carry by any legal firearms owner, from ANY STATE in the Country, is now legal. This is a huge win for our side!
My only concern is that the type of Open Carry Shenanigans we’ve seen in other places around the country will show up and tarnish the victory. Hopefully, responsibility and maturity will prevail. I believe that the onus is on our community to move forward with grace and confidence in the fact that we continue to be winning the fight to have our right to be be armed as we seek to meet the human responsibility for personal defense. I have many friends in the DC Area who can now go about their daily lives better prepared to meet evil with appropriate response. It would be nice if that weren’t necessary, but that’s not the world we live in. The last twenty years have seen amazing movement in the area of legal defensive firearm carry from our governments and the acknowledgement of the need for appropriate training from within our own community. This trend makes people safer, reduces crime and certainly compels those who might otherwise to chose to take advantage of perceived helplessness to pause.
Read more about the ruling an the police response here.
Just a couple months ago, I lamented the DC Gun laws while in Alexandria, VA taping a PDN Tour Update.… the world is different today. America is Better.