Negligent Carry leads to Negligent Discharge

Negligent DischargeA Negligent Discharge is often a result of a lack of education. Education about responsible carry of a defensive firearm means a lot more than just learning how to shoot or learning what the laws are in your area. You must learn how to choose and use proper gear as well. In this case, a gentleman thought it was okay to simply stick a gun in the waistband of his sweat pants and go shopping.
Tragically, he is paying for that reckless error with a serious injury… and the gun community suffers as well, as one more example of someone who couldn’t handle the responsibility of being armed is given to the Anti-Gun Crowd.

Read more about this event and get a couple of relevant resources on appropriate carry methods for your education or to share with others HERE.

If you know someone who carries or stages their defensive gun negligently, be proactive and encourage them to do better.

#policeourown #responsiblyarmed