gun laws

Cars & Guns? Are comparisons valid?

I was cleaning The Beast’s air filters this afternoon and I thought about the picture I took with the 5.56 AR15 inside the engine compartment of my slightly-tamer sedan. That picture was really popular in the gun world social media, because I made the point that the 450+ horsepower engine can push that car to more than twice the highest legal posted speed limit in the country… yet, no one was trying to take it away from me.
So, lets take a real look at issues of licensing, training and power in regard to cars & guns…

Firearms Issue Position Statements for 2AO

I want to have the most comprehensive list of clear positions on Gun Rights Issues, Laws and Policies of any organization on either side of the Gun Responsibility Issue. I think we’ve done a good job to get us started!

National Reciprocity may not be a WIN for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms.

ust be distracting us. What good is the right to carry a gun in a State that restricts the possession of the type of gun you carry, the type of ammunition you rely on or the magazines you load? Is National Reciprocity really a win if it replaces the current system in your State that serves you well, increases costs and extends waiting times? The fact is that “National Reciprocity” isn’t even on the table for a RKBA Purist, as the whole permitting process undermines the Constitutionally Protected Right to Keep and Bear Arms. What we should be talking about is National Right to Carry, not a new or expanded version of the current infringement.