June 2016 offers many opportunities to train with our Team

June 2016 is going to be one of the busiest months in the history of I.C.E. Training Company, with many opportunities to train with our team and affiliated instructors!

June_2016I will be teaching in Wisconsin, Minnesota Iowa and Colorado as I have almost every year for the last decade, but this year will be a bit different. In 2016, almost every day I am teaching in June I will be either team teaching with another member of the CFS/I.C.E. Team of Instructors or one of them will be teaching on an adjacent range or classroom at the same facility!

In combination with the 2016 Personal Defense Network Training Tour, the centerpiece of the month is a series of courses in Searsboro, Iowa hosted by Cedar Valley Outfitters at Brownell’s Big Springs range. This is an awesome range complex and the schedule of events is impressive. We will be covering defensive pistol, rifle, advanced pistol, defense with a knife, two person armed defense and extreme close quarters tactics during a very busy week. I will be teaching with Deryck Poole, Alessandro Padovani, Barret Kendrick, Omari Broussard, Ernie Traugh, Mike Anderson and several other instructors.

I will also be team-teaching a week long Reality Based Instructor Development Course with Jeff Mullenmeister in Minnesota and teaching pistol and/or rifle courses with Robin Godolphin and Jeff Kersten in Wisconsin and Mike Lowe & Dave Marris in Colorado during the month of June.

To learn more about ANY of these courses and get Registered before all the slots are filled, visit the I.C.E. Training Calendar NOW.

PDN_june2016The team of Personal Defense Network Training Tour Instructors will also be very busy during June, with Chris Fry, Jamie Onion, Mike Seeklander and Cecil Burch conducting courses around the United States.

May has been incredibly busy as well, with 24 days scheduled for me on the range or in a classroom in 4 states. We had record setting attendance in Illinois and will have had the same in Michigan before the month ends, with a few more classes next weekIMG_2617. I’m headed to the NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville this weekend. If you are there, please come by the presentation halls and see us. I will be speaking everyday and have many of the Combat Focus Shooting Instructor team members with me in the hall!