
Why did I start carrying the Springfield XD-S 4″?

The XD-S 4″ came out, passed reliability testing and I kinda fell in love with it. That was 2014. There is a lot of stock put into what guns any of the leaders in the training or shooting communities choose. Sometimes that is a great thing, sometimes: not so much. The question that was asked this morning is a good one to ask if you have someone you admire or look to for quality information. Why are they using the gear they are using. Sometimes you’ll get a good story that is organic and genuine… one that makes sense to you. Sometimes you’ll be told flat out: They’re paying me to use it. Other times, you won’t get much to go on and you’ll be left guessing.

ADSI Launches “Becoming a Defensive Shooting Instructor” Online Course

The long awaited reboot of the Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors is finally here!  As promised last year when we suspended the promotion and growth of ADSI and extended all current members through March 1st, 2015 without additional charges, we have re-visited our initial intentions, re-structured the organization and are proud to be moving forward …

ADSI Launches “Becoming a Defensive Shooting Instructor” Online Course Read More »

Pointing “guns” at other people is not always inherently wrong… even outside of defensive use.

Today, I had a long email back & forth with a woman who was concerned about how her son was handling AIRSOFT guns. In the convo, she asked about getting him some REAL Firearms Training. I said that would be great, I suggested she start by looking in her area for an NRA Instructor and …

Pointing “guns” at other people is not always inherently wrong… even outside of defensive use. Read More »

“Firearms Enthusiast” or “Defensive Firearms Owner”… Which are YOU?

If you are a regular read of the I.C.E. Training Journal, I assume that you would identify yourself as someone who primarily owns firearms for defensive purposes and not just a “gun collector” or “firearms enthusiast”.  What’s the difference? Well, I say it comes down to how time, effort and energy you put in to …

“Firearms Enthusiast” or “Defensive Firearms Owner”… Which are YOU? Read More »