
Intuitive Defensive Shooting … and the end of the “Combat Focus™” Brand

After 15 years, I have officially decided to change the name of the Combat Focus™ Shooting Program to “Intuitive Defensive Shooting™”. This was not something that was done lightly, as many people have come to trust the “CFS Program”…. And many people have been advocates for it, often in the face of significant skepticism, for many years.

Virginia Shooting exemplifies importance of Counter Ambush principles

The graphic video being shared all over the internet this morning certainly strikes most people as shocking… but, if you’re familiar with some of the most fundamental (and sometimes controversial) principles that we integrate into our training programs, you should recognize some of the most talked about aspects of the attack.

ADSI Launches “Becoming a Defensive Shooting Instructor” Online Course

The long awaited reboot of the Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors is finally here!  As promised last year when we suspended the promotion and growth of ADSI and extended all current members through March 1st, 2015 without additional charges, we have re-visited our initial intentions, re-structured the organization and are proud to be moving forward …

ADSI Launches “Becoming a Defensive Shooting Instructor” Online Course Read More »