New Applied Skills Weekend Events: Two Person & Vehicle Classes
Beginning this fall at a our home range in St. Augustine, Florida, I.C.E. Training Company will be offering Applied Techniques Weekends.
Beginning this fall at a our home range in St. Augustine, Florida, I.C.E. Training Company will be offering Applied Techniques Weekends.
The graphic video being shared all over the internet this morning certainly strikes most people as shocking… but, if you’re familiar with some of the most fundamental (and sometimes controversial) principles that we integrate into our training programs, you should recognize some of the most talked about aspects of the attack.
Gun Free Zones are a problem, but they are not the root of the problem. The root of the problem is that we have far too many people who do not accept their own responsibility for personal defense, whether they are armed or not
Most people think of “self-defense” as simply a set of physical skills. In Part 3 of this series, I look at the two general categories that most people focus on: Armed & Unarmed Defensive Skills. Both sides of the coin are worlds unto themselves and it would be easy to get lost in the details …
Comprehensive Self-Defense, Part 3: Armed & Unarmed Skills Read More »
Previously in this series, I discussed the importance of increasing your awareness and being reasonably fit. In this article, I’ll cover the starting points of home security and the importance of door-locksunderstanding the law in regard to preparation for self-defense.
This is the first in a series of articles that I am writing for Personal Defense Network. The series intends to be a complete overview of Self Defense from the proverbial “50,000 foot view”. The audience is both those new to self defense concepts as well as those already engaged in actively looking out for …
The long awaited reboot of the Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors is finally here! As promised last year when we suspended the promotion and growth of ADSI and extended all current members through March 1st, 2015 without additional charges, we have re-visited our initial intentions, re-structured the organization and are proud to be moving forward …
ADSI Launches “Becoming a Defensive Shooting Instructor” Online Course Read More »
According to the latest letter from the BATFE, putting a Sig Brace on an AR Pistol with the intention of using it a stock is illegal. Until further notice, pending a change in this ruling (and/or my understanding of it), neither I, nor I.C.E. Training Company in general, will be advising on the use of the Sig Brace …
SIG Stabilizing Braces NOT APPROVED for Shoulder fire by BATFE… For Real. Read More »
The highest quality collection of Firearm Training Videos on the Internet are at Personal Defense Network. We’ve been building this collection since we started the DVD Series in 2005. Now, in our 10th year of work, we’ve got over 75 DVDs Produced and hundreds of free videos and articles on our website. You can also become …
When I’m scheduled to be a guest on Armed American Radio and don’t have anything in particular to talk about, Mark Walters often sends me links to current event type stories that he’d like to discuss or get my opinion on. Late yesterday afternoon, he did just that. The link he sent me was to the …